Tuesday, February 28, 2012
One of those days... But not over yet!!
Seems like just about everything has gone wrong so far today. Didn't sleep well, disappointed hopes, toddler tantrums in the parking lot, little irritating things (yogurt cup leaking in the grocery bag, wore sandals only to discover giant snowflakes as we left the first store, carseat getting stuck while I'm trying to get it out, didn't find what i was looking for at the store, bought citronella instead if citrus scent, new recipe major fail, one kid goes to sleep, the other wakes up 2 min later, etc.) all day. I'm not complaining, just stating facts on how it's gone so far. The cool thing is, a friend is coming over today and she's one of those great friends that will take you however you come. Messy house, failed supper recipe, grumpy kids and all. It's so hard for me not to freak out and feel like I need to have everything (appear) perfect. I like my house clean, my kids cheery and my food... edible if not delicious. But it doesn't always happen and I used to cancel when I couldn't make it work that way. Sandy is my friend and she is ok with the real deal, pretty or not, and I am so glad she is coming because she is so fun that I know we'll have a great time despite the laundry baskets full of clean laundry sitting in the middle of the floor and the dishes that didn't fit in the dishwasher before I ran it. PTL for true friends!! ;) Now I'm off to scrounge up something edible for dinner tonight!! :)
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Purple chalkboard
I saw on pinterest that you can make your own chalkboard paint with latex or acrylic paint and non-sanded grout. I pinned it for someday and when someone gave me an old whiteboard that wouldn't erase, I decided to try it. Check out this ugly thing - the green is where Sunshine and I wrote before we realized it wouldn't come off. I mixed 1 cup paint with 1 tbsp grout, which is very cheap. Good thing too cuz i wouldn't have bought a 5lb box just to use one tbsp if it had cost more. If anyone wants to do this project I have an extra 4.98 lbs and I will give you a couple scoops of it, lol! Anyway, I picked what color I wanted and mixed the grout into the paint. I'm not sure why but the grout is clumpy and I didn't stir well I guess cuz there were some chunks in the paint. And I used a brush because the roller I had was no good, but the brush left little lines. I'm ok with it but it might be better to get a nice roller in a small size for a smoother surface. I painted the frame too and voila!! My own chalkboard !! I'm excited to let Sunshine play with this and maybe use it for school someday too!! Here's the before, during an after pictures.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
My new hobby
So the blanket I made for Sugar was the first sewing project I've done in a super long time, and the only one I've ever threaded the machine and bobbin, cut and pinned the material and sewed on my own. My mother in law helped with one seam (the visible one because I am still working on straight lines, lol) but I did the rest. So since I am super excited about learning she gave me her spare sewing machine!!! Check out this baby!! I'm so excited I can't stand it! It looks so cool! It's a gorgeous color and has so much character! The only problem is I have no material. No thread. No seam ripper. Zilch. So I went thru my closet and found a couple shirts I never wear and cut them up and used the thread that was on the machine when I got it (two different colors, btw) and made the one thing I could - fabric flowers. They're easy and I had everything I needed, and then when I went to my in laws house today I raided her material and made pink ones to go with the blue I had. LOVE them and I can't wait to put them on something. Not sure what yet... They're a little big for headbands for my girls, so maybe a pin for my coat or something! And I think i might try making ruffles for a lampshade someday if I can come up with some fabric I like. Happy sewing!!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Love is patient and kind... At the same time
Do you know one certain person that just annoys the fire out of you? I think everyone does. I do. And no, it's not you, I promise. :) What is it that makes it so difficult for me to respond with kindness? It annoys the fire out of me even more that I can't handle it like an adult when I'm around them. I'm learning why, tho. The truth is... *gulp* I have such a hard time being gracious with certain people because what bugs me the most about them are the things I struggle with. Bossy, inconsiderate, know-it-all... Those are tendencies of mine that I can't handle in other people. (Don't bother arguing. This is the truth whether you agree or not. Just ask my sister.) I think the Lord puts these people in my life for two reasons - to show me what it's like to be around me so that I can work on those areas, and more importantly, to remind me of the grace He gives minute by minute and expects me to turn around and pass on to other children of His. I'm not one inkling of a jot better or more deserving than anyone else and He wants me to know that. Not just with my head but to feel it in my core and prove with my attitude and response. I do not deserve grace, but He gives it anyway. Therefore I should not hesitate to be gracious around those my flesh deems undeserving. It's a hard lesson to learn and even harder to execute consistently but I'm learning. Maybe I will look up some verses on God's grace and memorize them. It will take my whole life I'm sure and I won't be perfect but I desire to reflect the love of God instead of sending my own message of what needs to change in others lives. "they will know us by our love..." Strive with me to love more today.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
I love to organize. You might not know it by looking at my house, but I joke that I love it so much that I don't ever want to finish. The truth is I don't ever have to worry about running out of things to organize cuz once I get a few projects done I can start over on the same ones. But here are a couple things I've done that work well for us.
I use hanging storage in my kids closets instead of dressers. In our previous house the bedrooms were teeny, so I got a couple of these and since their clothes are pretty small it holds everything. (Sunshine just finished watching a movie and came looking for me. I'm planning to take a pic of her closet so I'm standing in her room typing on my iPhone. She just walked in and said "Mom, what are you doing in my room?" ok, so it's way funnier when you hear her say it. I laughed.) Anyway, here is the picture. I know it doesn't look incredibly neat, but it works and saves room. Here is Sugar's closet. She grows out of clothes every few months so I keep the tub that holds her size in the closet and when she outgrows stuff, I throw it back in. When there isn't much for her to wear I know it's time to bring up the next size tub (or do laundry.)
I will probably have to get them dressers someday when they are bigger but for now this works great! Now I just need to figure out my own closet!!
I use hanging storage in my kids closets instead of dressers. In our previous house the bedrooms were teeny, so I got a couple of these and since their clothes are pretty small it holds everything. (Sunshine just finished watching a movie and came looking for me. I'm planning to take a pic of her closet so I'm standing in her room typing on my iPhone. She just walked in and said "Mom, what are you doing in my room?" ok, so it's way funnier when you hear her say it. I laughed.) Anyway, here is the picture. I know it doesn't look incredibly neat, but it works and saves room. Here is Sugar's closet. She grows out of clothes every few months so I keep the tub that holds her size in the closet and when she outgrows stuff, I throw it back in. When there isn't much for her to wear I know it's time to bring up the next size tub (or do laundry.)
I will probably have to get them dressers someday when they are bigger but for now this works great! Now I just need to figure out my own closet!!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Meet my family - Part 1
So as you know from my first post, I am married, but I may have failed to mention that I am married to the most amazing man ever. End of story. He loves me and takes such good care of me. He works super hard to provide for us and he can do any kind of remodel there is. Tile, wood floors, drywall, paint, roofing, windows, etc. I don't even know what all he does, but I know it looks awesome when he gets done! And he loves kids, especially our kids. Just tonight we were in the nursery at church and I changed a baby's diaper and when I finished I looked up and he and all the kids were sitting on the floor in the corner behind the rocking chair. They were hiding from somebody I guess. He loves them and they love him. Not only is he hardworking and kid loving, he is super duper thoughtful. He decided he wanted to do a better job of being a husband and he went one day and bought a white board. He hung it behind the door to the garage and every day before he leaves for work he writes me a note. Good notes. Sappy. Romantic. Silly. Lovey-dovey, make me blush notes. Depends on the day, usually a mixture. But I love it. The first thing I do every morning after I get out of bed is go read my note. I can't say enough good things about my man. Just believe me when I say he is the best of the best. Remember my first post about meeting him? I was an idiot and I quickly figured it out and I am so thankful that God gave me the desire to love this man. He is the best thing that has ever happened to mr, second only to knowing Jesus. Here is a picture of the jewelry box he built for me when we were engaged. I absolutely LOVE it, and he made it match our bedroom set! I will spend my whole life thanking God for him, and trying to show him how much I love him. :)
Monday, February 20, 2012
Tonight my heart is heavy. I just read of a missionary couple who lost their three year old daughter in a car accident this morning. I have a friend who is dying of brain cancer. She and her husband are some of the godliest people I knew in college and are an incredible testimony for the Lord. They have two young boys that are close to my daughters in age. Sometimes it's hard to handle all the hurt and sorrow and these are not even directly related to me. Yesterday our assistant pastor preached on Ps 73 and so much of the chapter ties in with Ps 34. Both talk about struggling to understand what seems backwards - the wicked seem to prosper and have no trouble or difficulty. Sometimes it appears that way to us. Chapter 73 verse 16 says "But when I thought how to understand this, it seemed to me a wearisome task, until I went into the sanctuary of God; then I discerned their end." When we go to God with our sorrows, He helps us to see from his perspective. It doesn't take away the hurt but it does give purpose to the things that seem to not make sense. The wicked do have consequences, they are just delayed, and when tragic things happen to people who love God, it is not punishment or something God just couldn't handle. He knows what is best and we must cling to that. Here are some amazing verses that we can hold on to when we feel like we can't handle the burdens. Ps 73
v23 "Nevertheless, I am continually with you; you hold my right hand."
v24 "You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will receive me to glory."
v25 "Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you."
v26 "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
v27 "For behold, those who are far from you shall perish; you put an end to everyone who is unfaithful to you."
v28 "But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all your works."
God, comfort those who have lost loved ones and those who are counting precious minutes. Help us to remember that You are a just God and that we can trust You when things seem unfair. Help us to run to You first, when we don't understand, when we hurt, when we need comfort and counsel. Help us to choose to be near You and make You our refuge and tell of Your works. Thank You for being loving and trustworthy; thank You for being sovereign and just. Amen.
v23 "Nevertheless, I am continually with you; you hold my right hand."
v24 "You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will receive me to glory."
v25 "Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you."
v26 "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
v27 "For behold, those who are far from you shall perish; you put an end to everyone who is unfaithful to you."
v28 "But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all your works."
God, comfort those who have lost loved ones and those who are counting precious minutes. Help us to remember that You are a just God and that we can trust You when things seem unfair. Help us to run to You first, when we don't understand, when we hurt, when we need comfort and counsel. Help us to choose to be near You and make You our refuge and tell of Your works. Thank You for being loving and trustworthy; thank You for being sovereign and just. Amen.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
My first sewing project
I get soooooo tired of my little Sugar kicking her blanket off when she's in the carseat and it's freezing outside. So when I saw this in pinterest I loved the idea! I finally got material and then a couple weeks went by before I had a chance to sit down with my mother-in-law and learn how to sew. It is definitely a beginner piece but I'm so excited that I did it all myself! And the material is so stinking cute that hopefully no one will notice my leaning stage stitches. :) now we just need a couple more weeks of coooold weather so I can put it to use before she grows out of it!!
Friday, February 17, 2012
Psalm 37:4
My favorite verse EVER! "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."
This verse has so many facets and I am sure its deeper than I will ever understand but here are a few of the things I've learned from it.
1. God delights in us, and He wants us to delight in Him. I delight in loving, watching, nurturing and helping my two girls. Nothing makes me happier than when they delight in me - obeying, loving, spending time with me and sharing their hearts. That's exactly what God wants from us - He delights in providing and nurturing and He wants us to delight in obeying, loving and depending on Him.
2. When we delight in Him, He gives us HIS desires. He gives us a desire for the things that please Him and that He knows will fulfill us. They go hand in hand. Because He created us, He knows what will make us happy and because He loves us He wants only the best for us.
3. Once we have desires that please Him, He gives us what we desire. He wants us to be fulfilled and satisfied - but that only comes from Him. I am learning to look to HIM to satisfy me to the deepest part of my heart. No other person or thing can do that and yet so often I go to my husband and expect him to make me happy, or I go buy something new and cling to it like it will fix my heart. But that is unfair to my husband and usually makes things worse. And the "stuff" I buy is only a bandaid to cover up the real issue - and in a few days the bandaid falls off and I have to go find a new bandaid. Why not go to the One who can heal and restore and wash away the hurt for good? Good question. I'm learning!
4. Just like I enjoy my children obeying and loving, I also enjoy giving them things they enjoy. God is the same way. Sometimes we have desires that are just things we love. I love lots of things but the best example of this is mountains. I grew up in the midwest, but I visited Colorado and Montana and Washington state growing up. I developed a love for the mountains and hoped one day to live there. When I went to college (in the midwest) I met a nice guy who started showing interest in me. For some reason I did not share the interest. He was a great guy, very fun to be around and very kind. But my heart was not interested in more than friendship. I made that clear to him, and we stayed friends. But I prayed about it and said "God, if for some reason you want this to go somewhere, you are going to have to give me that desire. I am willing but it is not in my heart right now, so please put it there if this is what you want for me." Every day I prayed that, and over the course of a month (he is a VERY patient man) God changed my heart. As I went from guarding against any depth to opening up a little I asked him questions and paid more attention to his answers. I asked him (not joking) for the 4th time where he was from and when he told me suddenly I realized that it was out west - and there were mountains!! As I delighted in God, and let him change my desire toward Dave, he fulfilled every desire I had ever wanted in a husband and then some, and also gave me the opportunity to live an hours drive from the mountains - with gorgeous views and a short drive to beautiful picnic areas.
With all my heart, I believe this verse. I know there is more depth that I don't grasp yet, but God has proven it to me so many times and I know He loves me!!
This verse has so many facets and I am sure its deeper than I will ever understand but here are a few of the things I've learned from it.
1. God delights in us, and He wants us to delight in Him. I delight in loving, watching, nurturing and helping my two girls. Nothing makes me happier than when they delight in me - obeying, loving, spending time with me and sharing their hearts. That's exactly what God wants from us - He delights in providing and nurturing and He wants us to delight in obeying, loving and depending on Him.
2. When we delight in Him, He gives us HIS desires. He gives us a desire for the things that please Him and that He knows will fulfill us. They go hand in hand. Because He created us, He knows what will make us happy and because He loves us He wants only the best for us.
3. Once we have desires that please Him, He gives us what we desire. He wants us to be fulfilled and satisfied - but that only comes from Him. I am learning to look to HIM to satisfy me to the deepest part of my heart. No other person or thing can do that and yet so often I go to my husband and expect him to make me happy, or I go buy something new and cling to it like it will fix my heart. But that is unfair to my husband and usually makes things worse. And the "stuff" I buy is only a bandaid to cover up the real issue - and in a few days the bandaid falls off and I have to go find a new bandaid. Why not go to the One who can heal and restore and wash away the hurt for good? Good question. I'm learning!
4. Just like I enjoy my children obeying and loving, I also enjoy giving them things they enjoy. God is the same way. Sometimes we have desires that are just things we love. I love lots of things but the best example of this is mountains. I grew up in the midwest, but I visited Colorado and Montana and Washington state growing up. I developed a love for the mountains and hoped one day to live there. When I went to college (in the midwest) I met a nice guy who started showing interest in me. For some reason I did not share the interest. He was a great guy, very fun to be around and very kind. But my heart was not interested in more than friendship. I made that clear to him, and we stayed friends. But I prayed about it and said "God, if for some reason you want this to go somewhere, you are going to have to give me that desire. I am willing but it is not in my heart right now, so please put it there if this is what you want for me." Every day I prayed that, and over the course of a month (he is a VERY patient man) God changed my heart. As I went from guarding against any depth to opening up a little I asked him questions and paid more attention to his answers. I asked him (not joking) for the 4th time where he was from and when he told me suddenly I realized that it was out west - and there were mountains!! As I delighted in God, and let him change my desire toward Dave, he fulfilled every desire I had ever wanted in a husband and then some, and also gave me the opportunity to live an hours drive from the mountains - with gorgeous views and a short drive to beautiful picnic areas.
With all my heart, I believe this verse. I know there is more depth that I don't grasp yet, but God has proven it to me so many times and I know He loves me!!
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