My favorite verse EVER! "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."
This verse has so many facets and I am sure its deeper than I will ever understand but here are a few of the things I've learned from it.
1. God delights in us, and He wants us to delight in Him. I delight in loving, watching, nurturing and helping my two girls. Nothing makes me happier than when they delight in me - obeying, loving, spending time with me and sharing their hearts. That's exactly what God wants from us - He delights in providing and nurturing and He wants us to delight in obeying, loving and depending on Him.
2. When we delight in Him, He gives us HIS desires. He gives us a desire for the things that please Him and that He knows will fulfill us. They go hand in hand. Because He created us, He knows what will make us happy and because He loves us He wants only the best for us.
3. Once we have desires that please Him, He gives us what we desire. He wants us to be fulfilled and satisfied - but that only comes from Him. I am learning to look to HIM to satisfy me to the deepest part of my heart. No other person or thing can do that and yet so often I go to my husband and expect him to make me happy, or I go buy something new and cling to it like it will fix my heart. But that is unfair to my husband and usually makes things worse. And the "stuff" I buy is only a bandaid to cover up the real issue - and in a few days the bandaid falls off and I have to go find a new bandaid. Why not go to the One who can heal and restore and wash away the hurt for good? Good question. I'm learning!
4. Just like I enjoy my children obeying and loving, I also enjoy giving them things they enjoy. God is the same way. Sometimes we have desires that are just things we love. I love lots of things but the best example of this is mountains. I grew up in the midwest, but I visited Colorado and Montana and Washington state growing up. I developed a love for the mountains and hoped one day to live there. When I went to college (in the midwest) I met a nice guy who started showing interest in me. For some reason I did not share the interest. He was a great guy, very fun to be around and very kind. But my heart was not interested in more than friendship. I made that clear to him, and we stayed friends. But I prayed about it and said "God, if for some reason you want this to go somewhere, you are going to have to give me that desire. I am willing but it is not in my heart right now, so please put it there if this is what you want for me." Every day I prayed that, and over the course of a month (he is a VERY patient man) God changed my heart. As I went from guarding against any depth to opening up a little I asked him questions and paid more attention to his answers. I asked him (not joking) for the 4th time where he was from and when he told me suddenly I realized that it was out west - and there were mountains!! As I delighted in God, and let him change my desire toward Dave, he fulfilled every desire I had ever wanted in a husband and then some, and also gave me the opportunity to live an hours drive from the mountains - with gorgeous views and a short drive to beautiful picnic areas.
With all my heart, I believe this verse. I know there is more depth that I don't grasp yet, but God has proven it to me so many times and I know He loves me!!
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